Monday, October 14, 2019

The Meaning Of The Number Sixteen

The meaning of the number sixteen (16) is the energy of having life transformed through interaction with someone else. This is the fusion through some form of care-giving that produces virtue, fruit or something of value in our lives. It is the relationship synergy which creates movement, and directional, permanent changes toward value creation. It is having someone impact your life so positively that you have a clear understanding of how you will achieve your goals.

Sixteen is the execution of business activity which helps someone else. Sixteen through key relationships, breaks through your personal limitations to take your value and influence into places you do not have the ability to reach on your own. Therefore sixteen describes the creation of business partnerships, ventures, or programs where you rely on the intelligence, creativity, finance, influence, wisdom and action of others to propel your own work forward. A business owner hiring employees or a singer entering a reality TV show are also examples of this transforming interaction. The owner nourishes the employee or contestant with money as a viable exchange. The exchange for this work is a key aspect of the energy of sixteen.

Transforming relationships can also come through supportive pets which can help you heal your emotions and be motivated to go out and live active, more joyful lives. Your parents are also important sources of transformation when they lend their advice and experience to you as a growing youth. At age sixteen our youths need positively transforming relationships so they can envision a bright future for themselves. This is key for parents and educators to understand.

Sixteen acknowledges that in order to access your best future, you must move past what you are able to achieve on your own, and look around you for other opportunities and conduits that can take you where you need to go. Allow the energy, talents, skills, influence or actions of someone else to transport you to where you can express your value.

Sixteen can also be an indication that Spirit is communicating to you concerning your sexual life.

Source is communicating to you that to move to the next phase in achieving your goals you need to welcome the input of other relationships. Be willing to accept help or to even request help in creative ways that attract benevolent people to yourself. Pray that you will find connections who will help you become resilient even into the distant future.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

The Meaning Of The Number Fifteen

The meaning of the number fifteen (15) is of being remembered, appreciated and helped. It is being or noticed by Source or others, complimented, encouraged or made to feel useful or beautiful. Fifteen represents the energy that recognizes a compatible connection in someone else and it dispels loneliness and fosters appreciation and friendship. This is the magic of physical reality, the ability to connect with others and to connect thoughtfully with nature to receive assistance.

Fifteen is asking you to think thoughts of love, to learn how to love and to develop a loving mindset. To attract others to ourselves and achieve gratifying physical connections, we must be willing to love and to be the recipient of love from others. Fifteen is the switch from introverted to extroverted self-expression. To understand who we are and to gain the deeper answers to life and purpose we must connect to Source on the inner planes to be activated and to learn how to open our hearts to true divine love.  This number when it appears could be asking you to reconcile a relationship and to work on restoring the love in your heart. 

Success in the physical world depends on the power of amplifying connections which we attract to ourselves. These include relationships like friendships, marriages, social and business partnerships. To attract others to yourself, you must know who you are and be willing to be visible and to display what makes you unique. You display your best characteristics so that it is easy for those who you need most, to notice and choose you too. Fifteen is the energy of being made magical or beautified so that you are able to attract the elements to you which need to help you amplify your skills, resources and systems. 

In life, there are many people who are just like you, who have studied what you studied and who know what you know. So, the key to rising and making connections is in your ability to fight off competition, and to distinguish yourself or brand based on your gifts and talents. Fifteen is the energy also of doing all you can to be attractive so that you are the one who is preferred and chosen.

Fifteen is the energy of blessing and having support and protections delivered to you by God in the form of helpful influences. Fifteen grants you the assurance through the help you receive to remain calm and balanced.

Fifteen acknowledges that there is nothing we can accomplish on our own and that we must be open to receiving help from certain key influences if we will have a chance of becoming fruitful in our lives. 

Begin to pray that you notice where you have your flaws and shortcomings so you can work on improving your attractiveness to others. Ask for the understanding of what it will take to attract the blessings of the divine into your life.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

The Meaning Of The Number Fourteen

The meaning of the number fourteen (14) is the developmental preparation, quiet integration, and any form of early preparation, training or application of what you have learned to produce some tangible result. Specifically it is any preparation made to improve your financial position. It could indicate the stage of parental influence and educational training of their children which must occur before the child is mature enough to make its way in the world. The number fourteen can be used to highlight the need to make preparations to increase your ability to make money by applying your knowledge and skills to the development of the message, products and or services that will be attractive to those you are here to profit from. This is the phase of product or service development which must occur before you can magnetize others to yourself. 

The energy of fourteen is likened to that of a floral bud. This is means that there must be a phase of concealment while you take the time to mature. The delicate floral parts of the petals must be protected and nourished until the time is right for them to attract others. Likewise in the realization of your purpose there are things you must do before you are ready to attract others into your life too. 

This phase is not harmful to your abundance because you must be actively engaged in your career of resilience so that you have the supply and energy to do your best as you innovate. 

The energy of fourteen prevents the premature introduction of influences into ones life so that certain situations are encountered only when one is mature enough to deal with the consequences.

The number fourteen counsels us to stop rushing to manifest something or to create a following before knowing that what you are going to create or share is beneficial to others. If you are creating something or crafting a message, you need to know that you are co-creating with Source accurately and that your work will attract positive influences only. The energy of fourteen is meant to silence the expression of negativity and to ensure that one develops their capacity to think feel and reason in a way that will produce beneficial productive actions.

During this necessary dormancy you are not to be inactive but doing much work behind the scenes to receive the knowledge and spiritual light which will mature you, fight off and become resistant to harmful external influences.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

The Meaning Of The Number Thirteen

The meaning of the number thirteen (13) is that Source is helping you see that you need to be more objective about interacting with varied forms of consciousness while retaining your wholeness, freedom and purpose as you do so. Thirteen is asking you not to be so narrow-minded that you are unable to exist at peace in a world with people who use different methods and ways of thinking to you. It is the understanding that even though you think differently you are all part of the one consciousness of the divine. Thirteen helps you to recognize that in times of difficulty, you do not have the skill or aptitude to find healing for yourself or to build what you need and that you must outsource. It is the advice to go to the doctor or to seek the help of another professional instead of struggling on your own.

Coming to this place of specificity and confidence in your own beliefs while accepting the validity of the knowledge, skill and or the beliefs of others around you, requires you to acknowledge that the design and the intelligence of Source is vast. Source may be saying to you that your healing is to be found in a thought system you may not have accepted previously but you need to explore it anyway. It does not mean you have to change your current lifestyle but to be open enough to try. You may need to consider alternative healing, or even holistic therapies to solve an issue you are struggling with. Thirteen takes you past your doubts and fears to interact with consciousness and knowledge you my have rejected in the past.

Thirteen appears when Source is saying that you need to move beyond your understanding and that you are to position yourself as a student of Source so that you do not miss its lessons. Objectivity requires tolerance and the willingness to let things pass which are not for you without erecting restrictions to its presence in your world. Therefore thirteen is the maturation of thought and belief which frees you to be your true self.

The energy of thirteen acknowledges that we all require time for our thoughts and beliefs to develop and strengthen to this place. True freedom of thought does not conjure up any shame, guilt or inferiority so assess if you are willing to defend your beliefs openly and how they affect the way you see the world and the value that resides in every member of humanity first. See if your beliefs allow others to receive their maximum soul nourishment and do they have the power to positively change lives. Freedom is only free when it is also beneficial to all. You will need time to figure out how you really see life and what your reactions to consciousness means. Is it something you need to let go of so you are more open or is it that you need to free yourself of any inner mis-alignments that bring harm or negativity to others.

Thirteen is the number of learning true emotional wellness and balance and allowing that to permeate your actions. 
When you are in resistance to the energy of the number thirteen, you activate processes that create a desire within the soul for a consistent flow of healing, and mindfulness so that you can correct incorrect beliefs and nurture new life. Often we only know that something is wrong when we feel pain or are unable to nourish ourselves and our dependents. You begin to look more closely at your thoughts and actions and in that way attain the understanding that change is necessary in order to correct the problems. You will need to go through experiences to help you see your life with new eyes so that you can align with the perfection of Source in a joyful natural way. When you see the number thirteen reoccurring often it means that your mind is too closed to some information or belief which you need to become more comfortable with. You need to look at the pain you are suffering at this time and note what it is showing you about what you need to do so that you change the situation. Old irrelevant beliefs need to go through a process of inner assessment and change but this is not a process that can be rushed so note that you need time to make the shift in a beneficial way.
Begin to pray to receive the knowledge which will help you improve your life.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Meaning Of The Number Twelve

The meaning of the number twelve (12) is that Source is working to empower you to find joy and happiness in your life everyday. It is the recognition of how to support your quality of life and individuality through time management so that you acquire and maintain a high degree of internal spiritual and emotional agreement. It is the feeling that lets you know that you have found your place in life, that you have found the harmonic spiritual rhythm where life is thriving for you. You have recognized those things which bring you joy, keep you organized and open to the experience of living and you are finding the time to do all of them. You know when to feed your spirit and when to strengthen your body. You know when and what to eat and where to go to stimulate your mind and your interests. Twelve is the knowledge of how to maximize the activity and productivity of every day so that you can be the spouse, the parent, the career professional, the spiritually connected person, the socially astute person without losing yourself in the midst. 

Twelve teaches you to give what you can and to know your boundaries. You know when to stop and when to go. You take charge of your life's rhythm.

Twelve represents the internal coherence you experience when you have found the community who shares your faith and with whom you can share your rituals and routines to create breakthroughs. Twelve is the ability to be so in the flow of life such that your beliefs are expressed through your heart and actions with natural ease. You can speak about what you believe and encourage others to follow you because your heart is full of confirmations and experiences which have been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have found your truth. Twelve is the vibration of truth that is firm and it is a foundation on which you can build something strong and enduring. 

There are twelve months in the year and this pattern is able to properly describe the rhythm of the earth's revolution around the Sun. It is also an acute understanding of application of wisdom so that you know what to do at the right time and season.

When you see the number twelve reoccurring in your conscious awareness often, Source is challenging to look at your schedule and at how effective you are actually being in your life. It is asking you to look at how you work each day to ensure that you feel happy, joyful and balanced. Rituals and routines are important in helping us find our flow. Whether it requires you to look at the time at which you wake up, or how you incorporate your essential spiritual practice, you need to look at some aspect of your life which will help you feel more connected within so that you are able to produce your very best.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Meaning Of The Number Eleven

The number eleven (11) represents the process of learning the belief net and spiritual posture required in order for you to manifest the receiving of your desires. Manifestation is the creation and production of the complete spiritual form of receiving you require in order to become prosperous or fruitful. Only when the correct form of receiving is present, can Source cause that form to function according to its pattern to create prosperity. Source has already made all that you require but you must learn and master how you are designed to acquire it. The key to manifestation is in finding vibratory and mental agreement and shared interest with Source regarding your desires.

Everything and everyone has a specific life design and must receive a specific type of spiritual light, vibration, knowledge or energy in order to become abundant. You must learn the nature of your manifesting strategy and the nature of what you are designed to receive from Source so you can  position yourself accurately. A plant manifests leaves because it must receive light from the Sun while a tiger manifests fang-like teeth and a powerful body so it can catch its prey with ease.

Each one is already a master at manifesting something, but eleven helps you tune into the recognition and response to the right stimuli so you follow through with receiving and developing what is meant for you. Tuning into the right frequencies will require you to change your self-awareness, adjust certain character traits, attitudes and habits. It will require you to develop an awareness of your purpose and skills and how to allow them to emerge at the right timing. It will require you to select the right form of output so that your process is harmonious. Just like a young tree can not manifest flowers and fruit until it is fully grown after a number of years and becomes responsive to factors like day length, so it is the same with humanity. Eleven is manifestation within the right timing and rhythm.

Eleven is the process of receiving spiritual knowledge from Source. It is pure, accurate guidance, untainted by evolving consciousness or human thought. To receive this pure guidance you will have to reshape your heart, mind, ego and attitudes so that you do not resist the spiritual truths your receive. 
When the number eleven reoccurs in your conscious awareness often, ask yourself if you have the matching beliefs and interests for what you are aspiring to receive. Have you made yourself beautifully, attractive so that receiving becomes easy. It is asking you to assess what you can or have manifested or to develop new traits which will make it possible for you to receive the thing you want. Eleven is asking you to note your behaviour and also the timing when receiving what you want, becomes possible. 

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The Meaning Of The Number Ten

The meaning of the number ten (10), is that Source is asking you to receive direct inspiration from consciousness for yourself rather than relying on the thoughts, beliefs and experiences of others. It is the receiving of new information which has not yet been revealed. Ten is the energy of prophecy and of the pioneer. It is time for your knowledge of yourself to go to a new level.

To experience the energy of number ten, you will need to look past your pain and remove any vices, or distractions you are using to avoid facing your reality by keeping your mind busy. This will block your ability to receive Source consciousness. You must be willing to hear something new and to believe it on the basis of it having come from Source for your benefit. 

You are receiving this consciousness now to help you develop your creativity. To be truly creative, you must know the method you need to use to channel consciousness from Source. The right mode or way for you to receive this conscious thought in your life has already been selected, so the appropriate results can be achieved. Connecting to the energy of ten requires some degree of enlightenment. Consciousness can be channeled in to you from Source via prophetic guidance, enlightened teachings, automatic writing, dreams, visions, and symbols to name a few.

Consciousness is multi-dimensional and it will arrive in your life through a specific dimension. You will need to become objective to receiving this in the correct way in order to receive the help you need. Many people remain stuck in their problems because they can not accept consciousness outside of their most familiar channel. However, the energy of the number 10 teaches you to recognize the specific channel of consciousness, and to go through the process of developing your sensitivity to it so you can use it to create success in your life.

The number 10 purifies your spiritual beliefs so you can get rid of any faith, consciousness, beings, or chemical influences which are causing you to sabotage your ability to receive pure Source consciousness. The number ten is all about cleansing and purification of the mind will and emotions so that a connection to timeless Source consciousness can be achieved in the right way. 

The number ten counsels you to avoid trying to block out experiences in consciousness, addictions or cloaking the mind in modalities which encourage codependency. Instead you should strive for clarity and the willingness to develop your unique way of relating to Source consciousness.

When you see the number ten, reoccurring frequently in your conscious awareness, Source is trying to tell you to stop feeling sorry for yourself and to realize that you are experiencing a spiritual awakening at this time, meant to get you connected directly to Source. You may have been hurt, lost much and experienced a lot of grief leading up to this moment, but know that you are strong and that you have a purpose and message to share with others. You are being called to rise up in clarity and become a creator, an innovator and a problem solver. Apply yourself mentally, emotionally and spiritually to this task so that your work can bear much fruit in the coming days, months and years. You will need to tune in to your intuition so that you know what to do next and to continue tuning in until you complete your purpose.

Early in your stage of becoming enlightened you will face challenges that will cause you to question your most foundational beliefs. When these are challenged you will feel betrayed, tricked or even doubt your own sanity at times, but know that you will come through on the other side if you can tune in to the higher frequencies working behind the scenes. 

Begin to pray that you attract these teaching connections into your life and be very open and welcoming to them in your heart.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

The Meaning Of The Number Nine

The meaning of the number nine (9), is that Source wants you to choose the work or career which will make it possible for you to support your ideal consciousness and lifestyle in the long-term. Your career is a natural outflow of the actions you take due to the quality of learning, consciousness and belief within you.  If you believe you are capable of achieving much, you work towards it until it comes to pass. If that faith is not there, you simply accept what life brings your way. Source wants to help you apply your knowledge and faith to the expression of work which will help you accumulate abundance and become more resilient in life. Nine is the survival of the fittest and it is natural selection in action. 

This energy can teach you what you need to select in terms of strategic action, work, relationships and beliefs which will permit you to succeed no matter where you are. This energy shows you the specific action which creates the largest options for a successful future.Nine is the process of reproduction and pregnancy which selects the genetic makeup of the next generation. It is the separation of what is pure from what is impure. It is the process of eliminating what is unsuitable and selecting what is suitable for you.

The number nine 9, is the energy of fullness and accumulation. Nine is the visionary and the planner which ensures that every need is met, and that there is enough in every season. It is the number which ensures there will be the flexibility to adapt to the changing external environment. This means that no matter what happens around you, you have the ability to weather anything and to continue growing and producing your purpose.Nine is also the energy of filtering and careful selection. To accumulate your wealth you need to be very conscious about how you spend and save. 

Nine is the energy teaching you how to balance this properly so that you distribute your resources with wisdom. The energy of nine increases your flexibility and ability to survive beyond the present moment. Nine penetrates the unknown and yet unrealized time and foresees what will be appropriate to ensure life and vitality can continue even amid much uncertainty. It allows you to set in place, plans, systems, procedures, products and services which may not make sense in the moment but will be in high demand in the future. Nine positions you ahead of the rest of the world to secure your prosperity. When you are prepared to thrive even in bad times, you can bend and be stretched without being broken. It is the energy which allows you to have accumulated reserved and stores, savings and assets which make it possible to rise again. Then it teaches you the correct modality or vehicle to select in order to go the distance. When you see the number nine recurring in your conscious awareness often Source is urging you to look at what you are doing or connecting to now, because it will not sustain you.

You need to be willing to look past what looks easy to what is actually functional. You must be willing to live not just for the moment but to make solid plans for the future. Pray and ask Source to connect you to life transforming relationships with others who can make this your reality.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

The Meaning Of The Number Eight

The meaning of number eight (8) is that Source wants you to make the decision to strengthen yourself spiritually by establishing a consistent system to receive spiritual light from Source. This is the development of an unwavering faith in a belief system which can help you receive the highest quality of light you need in order to produce your highest potential. Consistency and continuity in utilizing one's available resources to become fruitful is the cornerstone of prosperity. 

Eight is the excellence you are capable of performing so that you can facilitate nourishment, defense, receiving opportunities, pain relief, structure or strengthening in your life. It is the fulfillment of effort and work which ensures that what you worked on has manifested and been delivered to you. It eliminates threats to your well being and makes the realization of your dreams a reality.

Eight is the active maintenance of your health and wellness. Your soul needs to feel well taken care of and there are many ways available to you to achieve this. This could be an abundance of food, recreational experiences, money, clients, love in a relationship or many income streams. There is no shortage of what is needed for a prosperous life. 

Pray and ask Source to send people into your life who can transform it for the better, whose faith, practices, mentality and rituals you can emulate.

The number eight is the use of your gifts skills and talents to achieve your highest potential. By developing your gifts you nurture yourself soul and spirit and it becomes possible to find more meaning and fulfillment in life.

The number eight is the number of tangible results and it represents the completion of a cycle of intention, action and manifestation. Eight is the energy of validation and the confidence that your belief was well-placed because it yielded fruit. Eight is the number of confirmation of truth.

In business, when you share a message or offer, you are sharing something you believe in.  When someone understands and validates your belief by completing the sale, your belief is confirmed by tangible action. Abundance is generated by the sharing and validation of beliefs so the number eight is a representation of this supportive exchange. Eight is the evidence of validated ideas, agreements, contracts and shared interests in business, friendships, partnerships and marriage. The power your beliefs will draw a certain people to you as your supporters.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

The Meaning Of The Number Seven

The number seven (7) represents the value we place on our own perspectives with regard to the wider human collective, and it is asking you to expand your knowledge base, and expand your understanding of the relationships between things. This will allow you to mentally settle on the highest perspective which is harmonious with the life around you. The importance of living in harmonious agreement or at least tolerance with others helps to create smoothly running ordered systems. There will be those who share your beliefs, where you can interact without bringing disruption to the peace others have found in their lives. 

Seven is therefore asking you to put measures in place to pursue more knowledge and personal understanding. It represents the connections we make to educate ourselves to raise our intelligence so that we can create a prosperous life. Number seven 7 represents the choice to align the mind with beneficial beliefs and energetic frequencies which keep our thoughts clear, productive and open to supporting life and seizing opportunity.

When we embody the mind of the number seven, life is filled with productive action and you are able to do your best work. 

Seven is also the number of intelligence, logic, observation, scientific investigation and experimentation. When you can accurately identify how something is made, you can understand more about what it is for. Seven encourages you to appreciate the many forms of  adaptation and variation which exist within your being or in your life and through investigation and identification gain a deeper understanding of your purpose.

Seven is the capability to transform intuitive information and ideas into processes and systems that generate income. The ability to select the right ideas and apply knowledge in useful ways is what make life viable and sustainable. Possibilities to support growth and development become a reality. Seven is the production of energy, vitality and currency which allows your effort to work on your mental receptivity to be rewarded with periods of well-deserved rest. Only when work produces reward can rest truly occur. The number 7 is the number of renewal and the manifested evidence of power as a result of the alignment in in your life with Source energy. The number 7 is strength, and it is the ability to do work and the power to accomplish it. It is the power to get wealth. It is the ability to be self sufficient and be in a position where your needs are fully supplied.

Seven is the energy from Source which working within you that you transmit to others who may not be able to receive it as yet. Seven is benevolence and the expansion of one's capacity to receive light and to share its benefits with others. It is knowledge, clear thought, expression and any energy which can be used to boost and motivate others.

When you live in the energy of seven, your beliefs and perspectives work together cohesively to produce benefits in your life. You are able to do all in your power to create a system or ritual around the regeneration of this power and the beliefs which underpin it so that you are always in a state of vitality. Seven is the ritual by which you feed your faith vibration and allow that faith to receive divine light so that you maintain the form of self that works for you.

Seven is productive action and the power of harmonizing agreement which promotes the possibility of harmonious life, even with one's freedom of expression intact. Seven recognizes and acknowledges the need for variation and dynamic actions and changes so that the distance between the views and opinions of different people can be bridged. Seven is the number of compromise and cooperation. It represents the energy of apology, forgiveness or even encouragement that brings reconciliation and keep the bonds between relationships strong and unbreakable.

When the number seven is recurring in your conscious awareness Source is asking you to consider how you can work to raise the perspectives and philosophies you are living by and creating your abundance with. This can be related to your education or to your career. Your perspectives on who you are and who you can be need to be adjusted so you can work with more clarity, intelligence and strategy. Pray to be able to use your knowledge in some way to create successful business activity.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The Meaning Of The Number Six

The meaning of the number six (6) is that Source wants to transform and energize the experience of love in your life. Love is absolutely essential if life is to feel meaningful. You were designed to receive and to give love to others. The number six is asking you to slow down and to take interest in how you feel about others and in the quality of your relationships. It's time to create your world with the intention to fill it with as much love as possible. This includes living so that you are filled with divine love, the love of a spouse and of family, and friends.

Six is asking you to open up your heart to receive more love in your life or to work at repairing relationships where love has become tainted in some way or grown cold. The things that you love are the things you will focus your energy upon. In this way, love brings order and a desire for stability, support and infrastructure into your life. You want those you love to be fed, protected and safe and so you invest in the things which allow that to become your reality. It is important to do your best to create a life of comfort and prosperity and this requires action on your part.

The number six is the materialism, the love of home, job, family, money which become important to the daily life of the individual who loves being alive. Six is the energy of enjoying your life and feeling a sense of well-being, love and abundance as you do. It is important to dig deeply into this experience and be open to finding love, working on friendships and family life.

Love keeps the heart healthy so treasure the feeling. When the number six is recurring in your conscious awareness you are being asked to transform your experience with some form of love, to be more open to it or to heal it. When you do, you will be able to connect to the right motivation to go after the material existence you want.

If you are lonely and feeling unloved pray and ask Source at this time to show you love and grace and to bring people into your life who can truly appreciate your worth.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

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