Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Meaning Of Number Thirty-Eight

The meaning of the number thirty-eight (38) is that you need to be more open to receiving advice from others or to be working on improving your education so your level of creativity is raised. It may be that you are working on developing a project, product or service right now, so be open to receiving inspiration from the divine and even advice from others on what you can do to improve your ability to design. Source is saying that you may be missing opportunities to advance your knowledge and education by being closed-minded. Consult with others during your developmental process and gain testimonies and opinions on what you are doing before you complete your work. Ask Spirit to teach you so that your perspectives on what is right and possible expands. You do not already know what you need to do and the full spectrum of knowledge needed to activate your creativity. Understand that your acquisition of knowledge will come as you respond with objectivity to welcoming in the advice Source will send you along the way. In this way, you will get ideas on how to make what you are doing more practical and user-friendly.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

The Meaning Of Number Thirty-Seven

The meaning of the number thirty-seven (37) is that Source is asking you to get rid of the distractions which are trying to shift your focus and consciousness out of alignment and to learn how to defend your beliefs. Purify your consciousness so you know who you are and where you fit in amidst a world of differences. You do not need to believe in or use the same methods which other people are using. You simply need to stick to what you have discovered works for you and let the rest pass you by. Do not get into unnecessary arguments about who is right and who is wrong because truth is expansive and subjective all at the same time.  Use your wisdom, and strategies to build your business and to organize your rituals, routines and lifestyle. Stay in spiritual alignment to your faith and truths so that prosperity can flow through your life and manifest with ease.

Source may also be asking you to discover your exact strategy on how you are meant to receive divine light and intuitive messaging in your career or business. Get to know your intuition type so that it becomes possible for you to create the form of manifestation needed in your life to receive accurate guidance from Source. Once you know your intuitive strategy, use it every day to check in with Source for new information on what you need to do in your life to prosper.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

The Meaning Of Number Thirty-Six

The meaning of the number thirty-six (36) is that Source is asking you to be still and to stop struggling for a moment in order to change your life. The answers you are seeking are not obvious to you because you will have to go outside of your comfort zone to access them. Someone who does not necessarily share your religion or culture knows what you need to learn and do to change your life but your prejudices against this source of information are keeping you blind. Realize that Spirit is the author of life and the giver of wisdom and that you must follow its leading to show you the way. Are you more right than another because of what you believe? The love of God wants to reach you, but it is coming through that person you have decided to shut out of your consciousness.

Source also wants you to work on improving the flow of life force or prana in your life by doing things like exercising more, breathing effectively and activating the flow of your energy, e.g sexually or even in laughter. Stuck stagnant energy creates lethargy, pain and poor health in the body and lowers the quality of your life experiences. If you want to be happier, healthier and have the energy to create the kind of love life and abundance you dream about then you need to lighten up and open up to learning new things. Learn to recognize the love of God in others.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

The Meaning Of Number Thirty-Five

The meaning of the number thirty-five (35) is that Source is asking you to make the solid decision to grow spiritually. Realize that your spiritual growth is tied to what will make you happy and it is what will bring your life into balance. Whatever that is, do it every day and ensure your day is filled with joyful experiences. You were made for this happiness. From that overflow, create your prosperity and develop messages, products and services to help others also find joy in their lives also. It is imperative that you do not try to fit into anyone else's spiritual 'box' because other people's methods are not yours. Be able to learn from others and even to have people disagree with you and still be okay while realizing your authentic position. To do this you will have to know that knowledge comes from God and it goes to whosoever desires it. Thus to listen to the wisdom of another teacher does not mean you have to become them in totality. 

To get to this point, you may have to disconnect from old thinking concerning how you have been accustomed to receiving divine light and prosperity or support in the past. You are going to encounter circumstances which will make it difficult for you to continue believing those old teachings before and you know now that something must change. Source is asking you to see that you need to discover a new way to manifest your goals and how to incorporate this new manifesting strategy into your daily life so that you feel balanced, happy, supported and you attract continuously good experiences. You will need to find out how you can eliminate your stress and anxiety from your life in the process. Once you have found this method, you will need to spend time receiving this new light and going through a process of maturing your truths, skills and values so that you can finally support yourself more independently. Your faith in creating happiness for your soul is the gateway to your prosperity. In so doing, you will develop wisdom, and a truth and testimony of your results which you can share with others. 

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

The Meaning Of Number Thirty-Four

The number thirty-four (34) means that Source is speaking to you helping to revive the culture in your nation. To pass through a period of difficulty it will become important to release models of living which are not indigenous to your people. Give honour to and cherish the traditions in your region because they were given by Spirit to help you thrive where you are. You can still be open to receiving beneficial information from Source or from other people, but ensure that you take what is necessary without changing who you are. There is something you must create which does not yet exist in your reality. You need to align yourself spiritually in order to receive this knowledge so that you can innovate. Source will send you help and encouragement from key persons along the way who will help you to apply that knowledge to the development of products and services. 

You may also find that you are disagreeing a lot with or feeling like you have outgrown the current people you are associated with because your need for their wisdom has come to an end.. You are being disconnected from them so that Source can provide you with the necessary spiritual help and breakthroughs you need. You are realizing that what you are being taught and shown was not bringing you any true miracles or life breakthroughs and so you must understand more to create your prosperity. You must reconnect to your truths.

Study yourself and what makes you feel most connected and aligned to Source energy. Be willing to notice new things about yourself and be ready to drop old perspectives which will restrict you from accepting the new. Find a group setting whose mission and beliefs have already manifested the transforming light you need and become a part of them. Make friendships and relationships within that group and settle down to allow that light to continue developing who you are so that you can finally receive miracles and develop your path to prosperity with the right divine guidance.

Pray that people will support your work and encourage you and be willing to work for a season to adopt and develop your ideas.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

- The Meaning Of Angel Number Thirty-Three

The meaning of number thirty-three (33) is that Source is asking you to launch your long-term career through prayer and the deep desire to repair the ascension process and the expression of divine love in your life. Source is releasing a river of consciousness to help you look closely at your life and to begin to create a new solution for what you have experienced spiritually. Begin to pray now that what you create will bring much resolution and healing for you and others who face the same spiritual challenges. What you create is meant to transform the lives of many other people and to bring them closer to the presence of Spirit where they can be blessed, encouraged and connected to people who can help them improve their lives. Spirit wants to help you attract the pure love of the divine and through this process of ascended mastery to develop an income which will finance your living expenses.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

The Meaning Of Number Thirty-Two

The meaning of number thirty-two, is that Source is asking you to be willing to cooperate and collaborate with others in order to make your financial goals a reality. Be financially generous and create joint ventures because the investment of more than one person is needed. To get what you want, you must also help someone else to get what they want as well. You are one who is meant to have a strong faith in the divine and multiple income streams to supply your needs. You should stick to this strategy in the long-term because it is your ideal. By doing so, you become strong and you can focus your efforts on helping others. Develop your ability to be generous with your resources. To do this you will need to develop your ability to earn large amounts of income from those streams and to have at least one that is passive, strong and predictable in its ability to meet your material needs. By streamlining this well, you will be able to find the time to develop your inner character and benevolent qualities. Source wants you to create a formal means by which you distribute help to others, possibly through a registered charity or trust.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

The Meaning Of Number Thirty-One

The meaning of number thirty-one (31) is that Spirit is asking you to look more closely at what you are cooking and eating because it needs to change. Spirit wants you to develop the highest possible perspectives concerning your life and how to achieve a consistent spirituality. What you eat is a large part of that. Tune in to the foods which make you feel well and energized and to a community of souls on the same food journey Spirit will inspire you to take. Source wants you to be healed mind, body and soul so that you can become a spiritual healer, able to help others to achieve spiritual healing as well. Spiritual healing goes beyond your physical body to the energies within your soul. You also need to re-align any misdirected spiritual energies, beings which influenced your life and family line back to a place of harmonious truths, healing, love and peace.

Source wants you to spend time every day receiving intuitive knowledge and spiritual activation's which will help you learn how to heal your mind, body and soul. Every day, you need to receive the divine assistance which can increase your ability to transform your ideas and intuitive prompts into proper knowledge, applicable insights, resources, products or services. Source will use this time to shift you out of your inferiority complexes and a sense of not knowing what you want and how to create a life which is meaningful. You need to learn how to clear your thoughts and feelings of negative energies so that you can produce all you have the potential to do well. Spirit wants to eventually help you become financially independent, mature and truly wise as well.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Meaning Of Number Thirty

The meaning of number thirty (30) is that Spirit wants to lovingly help you to change your perspectives toward the wider society and to learn more ways of living harmoniously with others. You need to be able to openly receive people from all walks of life  in your purpose so pray to the Spirit of Justice to help you release any prejudices you currently hold to a particular sector of the society. Your prejudices toward that group of people has been limiting your ability to prosper in the way Source originally intended. 

Begin to desire to be an instrument of love in the world and have a harmonious perspective toward how you treat others even those who have differences. Learn how to bridge the gaps in the relationships in your life so that you can transform the negative feelings within you to something more positive. If you can find a way to get past these emotions you will be able to gain access to your soul purpose and unlock your potential. You have been wanting to be more, but your limited perspectives and propensity for intolerance and unforgiveness have been major blocks to you being able to achieve the more you want. When you do this you will be able to share your views more freely in society and find it easier to launch and have a more successful business.

You need to learn how to control yourself, develop your self-worth, and boundaries so that you are truly connected to how you feel. Source is communicating to you that to do this you need to learn new strategies on how to create more emotional balance.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

The Meaning Of Number Twenty-Nine

The meaning of number twenty-nine (29) is that Source wants to use you in the field of consultancy where you are an expert in the knowledge you have acquired. Spirit wants to bring you fame through this knowledge but first you must undergo a change in your understanding about what it will take to become prosperous. Spirit will immerse you in divine love and grace and even in loving relationships in this season so that you are able to fully manifest this purpose. Being filled with love will help you unlock your potential and to experience this important change in the season of your life. This may mean that Source is asking you to have a deeper heart connection with God, to look for or connect to your lifetime marriage partner or even to go to relationship counselling so that love is stable in your life. The new phase of your life will also for image reasons require you to have a permanent, stable relationship and good finances. Pray about becoming this type of leader who can receive inspiration from Spirit while becoming a solid foundation of honour in a community who needs your message.  Work on becoming wealthier and look at what makes you more agreeable, loving, beautiful, magnetic and attractive and enhance those features. You must be equally as attractive to the caliber of person you desire to live with or marry. It is time to be at your best so that you can your partner will desire you as well. When you have accomplished your preparations, Source will direct people to you who need your help. Be open to whoever Spirit will send you without any pre-conceived notions on who you are meant to help.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Meaning Of Number Twenty-Eight

The meaning of the number twenty-eight (28) is that Source wants to rebuild your consciousness with new beliefs. To do this Spirit will place you in a situation where you need to pause your activity and to be silent and attentive to the inner voice of Spirit. The time has come for you to be released from certain life challenges and health problems so that you can make preparations for big changes coming in your life.  To be ready for these changes will require you to also have different beliefs and a new understanding on how you are meant to create prosperity in your life. Pray that you are able to reach your highest potential and value in life so that you can fulfill your purpose in serving other people well. 

Stop resisting changing your mind about how you make your money, so that you can mature into someone who can support many more people with your gifts and talents. You will only receive the go ahead to become an inspired leader after you transition through all the necessary changes and the divine is satisfied that you are ready to deliver its wisdom to the people who you are meant to help. It begins now by first learning how to strengthen your sensitivity to consciousness directing you to make these big changes. Be confident that you are being guided and though the changes are daunting.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication. 

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