Friday, September 18, 2020

Dream Dictionary - Dream Interpretation- The Dream Meaning Of Dying In A Car Accident


Dream communication is a mystical thing and some dream symbols have very surprising meanings. Take for instance the dream symbol of you dying in a car accident. That kind of dream leaves one shaken and questioning whether the dream was a negative omen, but rather it is a wake up call to participate more excellently in your career.

The dream meaning of dying in a car accident means that you do not have the confidence that you can do well in your destined career because your knowledge, talents and skill set is not on par with the standard required. You are feeling this and knowing this and Spirit is asking you to evaluate these weaknesses and find ways to train yourself so you upgrade not only your abilities but also your confidence. Be more ambitious and curious about what is available out there, and connect with the right people and institutions.  Spirit wants you to command more income for your time so that you can be released from financial debts more quickly but the road to doing so is not direct. By improving, and being promoted or attracting better work you will increase your prosperity.

So put your feelings about your career aside and stop complaining. Instead allow yourself to focus on what is important. For the meantime, budget your money so that you are as supported as you can and don't try to live beyond your means right now. You are in a process of change which will take time and dedication.

Did you just have this dream? If so, you can supercharge your ability to receive the inspired action and energy clearing to move you along this path with greater speed and clarity with a Mystical Number Meditation Card. Click here to purchase the card for this dream interpretation.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Dream Dictionary- Dream Interpretation - The Dream Meaning Of Snakes

The dream meaning of snakes is that you are being prompted to connect to the Divine Feminine through Shiva, Osiris, or sacred geometry to learn or process some information in a way that is logical, practical, systematic, methodical or even scientific. There is a problem you need to solve to increase your efficiency, find healing, or improve your skills in some particular area. Seeing snakes is an invitation to spiritual growth which can lead to the healing of your prosperity consciousness through the delivery of key knowledge. If you can tune in to this advice and connect to the stream of consciousness being offered to you, it is a cause for you to celebrate, so calm down and tune in to your intuition.

Zodiac Tarot Card Meanings - The Fool In Leo Sign


The Fool Tarot Card in Leo Sign depicts someone who needs to find physical healing in their life, but to do so, they must find out the strategy which will produce result and strengthen their faith among a community of persons who share the same beliefs and can keep their outlook positive throughout the process. The Fool in Leo is saying that your healing will come through finding helpful partnerships and protective support, and love in the long term. Find your faith community and allow yourself to remain there, and build life long relationships. Your body will be restored as you allow yourself to build emotional depth and care for these people.

This card is also asking you to seek out the magic in life, or the activation of your magical abilities so that you can manifest more prosperity in your life and in the life of others.

In some cases this card may be asking you to receive healing in your body by acknowledging your call to help feed, clothe and nourish those who are underprivileged. You have been blessed with resources which are meant not for your own self-indulgence but is meant for God to direct in the support of the lives of humans on this earth. You are here to bring some form of value to others lives, or even to influence others with ideas which the divine inspires you to share. Believe in this call and step out on a new journey to do it.

Copyright (c) 2020 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These metaphysical readings and meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

The Meaning Of Angel Number 444 Four Hundred And Forty-Four


The meaning of the number four hundred and forty-four (444) is that Spirit is highlighting to you the need for you to see what your life could be if your vision of self, relationships, love abundance and health was expanded socially. You are not aware of the full potential available to you to make your life better and that must change through focused psychological and mindset healing. Your vision and emotional capacity for more connection is too contracted and restrictive, perhaps due to deeper issues of trust and emotional sensitivity. Spirit is saying that it is helping you to overcome this by sending you connections with new friends and the kind of people who will be beneficial to your life, who will help you find spiritual purity, mental clarity, and support healthy beliefs. Persons who can help you adjust certain character flaws you have not addressed as yet on your own. Your healing is coming to you through strengthening relationships so look out for the entry of these people in your life. Allow yourself to hope again and to be confident that you can make these connections and thrive in them.

Copyright (c) 2020 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

Dream Dictionary - Dream Interpretation- The Dream Meaning Of Dying In A Car Accident

  Dream communication is a mystical thing and some dream symbols have very surprising meanings. Take for instance the dream symbol of you dy...

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