Monday, September 30, 2019

The Meaning Of The Number Five

The number five (5) represents the re-framing, big changes and shifts that happen when you come to a point when what you are doing, believing or connecting to with regard to your money and finances can no longer be used in your present. Source is asking you to make preparations for what is to come and adjustments going forward into the future. Before any change can occur there must be silence and stillness to prepare for what's to come. Five represents the decision to stop and re-focus your thinking and the systems you are using to create abundance. Source is asking you to reorganize the way you approach this aspect of your life. This may mean that you need to look at how you are employed or at your business or investments.

You are on the verge of some type of change and you are being alerted so that you are not caught unawares, but instead breakthroughs can result. Five is asking you to change so you can receive the ideal knowledge or connections that make you  more self-sufficient and productive. Where you were once weak, changes come to make you stronger. Where you lacked direction, changes come to guide you to the path you should take for greater success.

Five brings in the energy of change by urging you to forget the old relationships, methods and strategies you were using to begin doing something completely unfamiliar and new that will help attract a new social circle. Every change we experience must be accompanied by the arrival of new people in our lives because humanity is its own agent of change. The new person/people/social circle will help you to learn to accomplish the new.

Five is the energy which attempts to resolve and correct the differences between your preferences and your life design. The energy of life is in a constant state of expansion and exploration but it wants to do so in a way which maintains connections between aspects of life which complement each other. Five brings in revelations of other existing choices, laws, forces and resources you can connect to which can help you continue on the path of self-realization, exploration and adventure which life is meant to be.

Five is moving away from restrictions which do not serve you or nourish you to another pattern that does. When you see the number five (5) recurring in your conscious awareness know that the time of financial struggle can be over if you are willing to release that mode of thinking and operation and welcome in the better. Prepare to meet some key people with whose help, you will make the transition through the coming changes. Pray to Source and ask to receive a clear stream of knowledge which you can use to help solve problems in other people's lives in some significant way.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Meaning Of The Number Four

The meaning of the number four (4) is divine healing and the creation of health and wellness. At key moments the energy of four is needed to remove the blocks and resistance to you living a healthy life. The ability of the body to absorb and generate healing rays increases so that cells, tissues and systems can realign with the Source pattern of health. 

Four is also the creation of medicines and tonics needed to promote a healthy lifestyle. When the body is healthy and fit it becomes possible to carry out the work one needs to do more effectively. 

Four is also the energy of the miraculous which allows you to breakthrough conditions where your ability to be strong and rise becomes possible allowing you align to your purpose so that what was once difficult, slow and unyielding in your life becomes easier to attain. 

Four is the adoption of a strategy or the revelation of the strategy you need to harvest life-giving spiritual light and prana. Source has supplied all we need already and it comes to us on a daily basis, but we must know how we are meant to receive it, if life will proceed in a smoother fashion.

Life is an unfolding plan in time as observed in the mind of Source. Often the idea and experience of restriction is not understood, because we want things to happen in our own way and to be fully in control now. We do not control all aspects of our lives and the idea of free will has been largely misunderstood by the masses. Just as the body displays reflex actions and autonomic responses like breathing and the heartbeat, so it is on the spiritual plane. 

As a result of not understanding this, people experience health challenges, depression, stress, frustration, and mental imbalances trying to go against the divine purpose. Know that you have been born with a purpose and a life design and that you function uniquely, and that you will have experiences that are personal to you alone. If you try to understand your purpose and work in alignment with divine design and timing, instead of basing your success on the world's timing or comparing yourself to others, you will be able to experience more healing breakthroughs.

Four is the energy of acceleration, where without any input, something which seemed blocked suddenly takes on a new life of its own. Projects move forward, delays are eliminated and personal restrictions are removed so that the path before you becomes free of resistance. 

Where a healing modality is still unknown, the number four activates the necessary analysis and research required to advance new healing and breakthroughs.

When the number four is recurring in your conscious awareness Source may be trying to communicate with you that you need to connect with some form of healing and to receive help which knows how to solve your problem. You are being asked to release the effort of trying to force things to happen in the wrong way and to seek out the right ones.  Pray and ask Source to notice you and to send help and healing to your life.

 It may also be pointing you to be observant to the needs of others because Source may be trying to use your knowledge, resources, gifts and skills to alleviate the suffering and delays which another person is experiencing.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

The Meaning Of The Number Three

The meaning of the number three (3) is that Source wants you to desire to be filled with a consciousness from the divine which will help you to be strong and rise in the light. Three is how the Creator's desire or ambition for life within you motivates you to pursue the knowledge of how to acquire the best possible experience in consciousness. Your passions in life are magnetic to consciousness and when you engage in what you are passionate about you succeed in drawing answers at the same frequency toward you. A passion carries a high frequency of love, excitement and amazement and so you will bring in supporting consciousness which can produce similar results in your life through the wisdom, instruction and guidance it brings in. A system of energetic match. So be passionate about your life, it is strengthening you.

You are the Creator's question and in order to grow and thrive this question must be clarified within you so the asking magnetizes the answers. When you can do this, you will become stronger, more knowledgeable and able to rise. Three then generates a hunger for spiritual light and connections with others which drives you to seek the education and enrichment you need. The energy of three magnetizes the right source of consciousness to you so you can generate energy, vitality and productive activity.

The level of consciousness you need to operate at is linked to your physical diet. Source is directing you to pay attention to the foods which make you feel clear-minded and strong when you eat them. Which foods increase your health and wellness and ability to connect to the divine with ease? Three is asking you to adjust your tastes and to even grow the foods you need on a regular basis so you always have access to them.

Three represents your prayers and the desires which are so powerful that they attract new knowledge, thought patterns, dreams and other beings to you to reflect the knowing you have been asking for. The people you draw in  come to shape your character and identity more over time. It is the response to your inner need to create abundance, happiness and stability, by drawing to you the things which you lack. It is the state which drives you to acquire what you need so you can be satisfied. It is the number that makes creation possible. Without desire there is only acceptance of one's current state, however much more is needed if creation will become a reality. The energy of three then harmonizes the chaotic forces which make it impossible to be fully enriched and maintains a state of balanced intake so there can be life and progress as a result. 

Three is the number of infrastructure and the creation of civilization with its policies and programs to ensure that the needs of all have been met adequately. It is the conduit which ensures needs are supplied. When the energy of three is active in your life the answer to how you will get what you want comes to you. Note however that the fulfillment may not be immediate as there may be a long process involved.

Three is water and it is consciousness which is the connecting force which enriches and manages the force of life everywhere.

When the number three is recurring in your consciousness, it means Source is asking you to not be so accepting of your current situation and look to ways to stimulate your interest or desire for improvement. It is time to pray and ask to have your capacity for understanding more about healing your life to be increased. It is time to seek the divine for the enrichment that will strengthen you and bring your life into a state of balanced receiving. This may mean creating a vision and looking at how to do things like get a job, improve your business, find a better place to live etc. In your personal situation you will know where the shift is required.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Meaning Of The Number Two

The meaning of the number two (2) is that Source is connecting you to situations, locations, and or knowledge which will help you settle down and find your placement in life. Two is the action of the divine placing you within your ideal environment, situation or conditions. Two is the energy which grants you advice and lessons designed to unlock your potential, to help your mind come alive so you know how to grow. It is the energy which communicates to you that you have found exactly what you need to start the process of  learning how to create your ideal life. Your preferences and choices can be supported within your ideal circumstances and you are encouraged to feel that life is supporting you adequately enough, to put down some roots and settle. 

The number two is teaching you that it is okay for you to commit to something because you have found your niche fit. Two is the energy of expressed preference and choice which leads to one setting down foundations so that in the future you can build and manifest something new. It is how you respond to life when it presents you with the right conditions which suit your unique adaptations and design.

Two (2) represents the recognition of one's individuality and activates all actions to distinguish your identity from someone else's. It encourages an awareness of personal opinion, self-realization and personal truth. It represents the acceptance of what is truly best for you. When you find your place in the world, the responses of determination and decisiveness are helpful.

Two is the number of divine acknowledgement of your best fit within the existence of multiple options. Two is the energy which allows progress to manifest. In relationships, two people choose to be with each other and accomplish something together which would not have been possible apart.

Two is the establishment of directional growth. One chooses to respond to the magnetizing influence of an external stimulus to determine the best response. This growth can be a force that unites or a force which separates. When the energy of separation is in effect, it is actually the creation of multiple new possibilities and variations by creating a spectrum or degrees.  It is like the octave with a series of notes between two similar tones.

Duality is never an absolute. There is no absolute boundary between degrees of choice. There is no upper limit to hot, nor a lower limit to cold. No upper limit to large nor lower limit to small. All 'dualities' in our world are just a chosen boundary which separates a range of degrees or options.

When you see the number 2 recurring in your conscious awareness you are being alerted to note your natural responses to the conditions you are in at that moment. Are you growing? Are you discovering more about your potential and feeling motivated to explore it? Are you able to express your true personality? Have you found who or what fits you? When the energy of two is working in your life, you will automatically respond only to what you are designed to benefit from. If you can see no growth, you may be guided to note that it is time to separate from what is holding your awareness captive so that new options can become clear to you. Begin to pray to experience rejuvenation in your life and the experience of a continuous, passive flow of abundance.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

The Meaning Of The Number One

The meaning of the number one (1) is that Source is in the process of moving you from an experience of delay, confusion, uselessness and dormancy, to a place of activation with the help of SourceIt is the energy input required and the resulting process guiding a new beginning. 

It is the influence of Source to effect change, awareness and clarity, and one's recognition that it is time to be still and to be guided. One is a number of divine activity which describes the reduction of pain in one's experience that comes without effort on one's part. The energy of the number one is guided by some form of feedback from life on the physical plane to the spiritual requesting divine help. Once this message is returned to Source, its consciousness and its messengers work together to facilitate the change toward better conditions.

When you see the number 1 recurring in your consciousness, you are being guided to stop struggling. Instead slow down and meditate, pray, contemplate, and journal to get your emotions under control. When Source shifts you, you will feel out of control, but know that all is well. Go with the flow of the unfamiliar changes happening around you. You are embarking on a new adventure and your destination is meant to bring you to a place where you will be able to have your needs met. 

One is the opportunity Source opens up for you to begin a journey of self- development. It can come to you as a new idea or as intuitive information. It can be delivered to you via a set of magnetizing signals which urge you to move and follow your gut at a particular time. The number 1 is the energy which creates self-sufficiency, but first it requires from you a response of trust, agreement and stillness to secure a unified thought with Source's guidance. It is an input beyond time and your current level of awareness, so that for a moment, you come into contact with perspectives, people, ideas and currents which change your position in life. It is the energy of luck.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

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