The meaning of the number four (4) is divine healing and the creation of health and wellness. At key moments the energy of four is needed to remove the blocks and resistance to you living a healthy life. The ability of the body to absorb and generate healing rays increases so that cells, tissues and systems can realign with the Source pattern of health.
Four is also the creation of medicines and tonics needed to promote a healthy lifestyle. When the body is healthy and fit it becomes possible to carry out the work one needs to do more effectively.
Four is also the energy of the miraculous which allows you to breakthrough conditions where your ability to be strong and rise becomes possible allowing you align to your purpose so that what was once difficult, slow and unyielding in your life becomes easier to attain.
Four is the adoption of a strategy or the revelation of the strategy you need to harvest life-giving spiritual light and prana. Source has supplied all we need already and it comes to us on a daily basis, but we must know how we are meant to receive it, if life will proceed in a smoother fashion.
Life is an unfolding plan in time as observed in the mind of Source. Often the idea and experience of restriction is not understood, because we want things to happen in our own way and to be fully in control now. We do not control all aspects of our lives and the idea of free will has been largely misunderstood by the masses. Just as the body displays reflex actions and autonomic responses like breathing and the heartbeat, so it is on the spiritual plane.
As a result of not understanding this, people experience health challenges, depression, stress, frustration, and mental imbalances trying to go against the divine purpose. Know that you have been born with a purpose and a life design and that you function uniquely, and that you will have experiences that are personal to you alone. If you try to understand your purpose and work in alignment with divine design and timing, instead of basing your success on the world's timing or comparing yourself to others, you will be able to experience more healing breakthroughs.
Four is the energy of acceleration, where without any input, something which seemed blocked suddenly takes on a new life of its own. Projects move forward, delays are eliminated and personal restrictions are removed so that the path before you becomes free of resistance.
Where a healing modality is still unknown, the number four activates the necessary analysis and research required to advance new healing and breakthroughs.
It may also be pointing you to be observant to the needs of others because Source may be trying to use your knowledge, resources, gifts and skills to alleviate the suffering and delays which another person is experiencing.
Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.
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