The meaning of the number two (2) is that Source is connecting you to situations, locations, and or knowledge which will help you settle down and find your placement in life. Two is the action of the divine placing you within your ideal environment, situation or conditions. Two is the energy which grants you advice and lessons designed to unlock your potential, to help your mind come alive so you know how to grow. It is the energy which communicates to you that you have found exactly what you need to start the process of learning how to create your ideal life. Your preferences and choices can be supported within your ideal circumstances and you are encouraged to feel that life is supporting you adequately enough, to put down some roots and settle.
The number two is teaching you that it is okay for you to commit to something because you have found your niche fit. Two is the energy of expressed preference and choice which leads to one setting down foundations so that in the future you can build and manifest something new. It is how you respond to life when it presents you with the right conditions which suit your unique adaptations and design.
Two (2) represents the recognition of one's individuality and activates all actions to distinguish your identity from someone else's. It encourages an awareness of personal opinion, self-realization and personal truth. It represents the acceptance of what is truly best for you. When you find your place in the world, the responses of determination and decisiveness are helpful.
Two is the number of divine acknowledgement of your best fit within the existence of multiple options. Two is the energy which allows progress to manifest. In relationships, two people choose to be with each other and accomplish something together which would not have been possible apart.
Two is the establishment of directional growth. One chooses to respond to the magnetizing influence of an external stimulus to determine the best response. This growth can be a force that unites or a force which separates. When the energy of separation is in effect, it is actually the creation of multiple new possibilities and variations by creating a spectrum or degrees. It is like the octave with a series of notes between two similar tones.
Duality is never an absolute. There is no absolute boundary between degrees of choice. There is no upper limit to hot, nor a lower limit to cold. No upper limit to large nor lower limit to small. All 'dualities' in our world are just a chosen boundary which separates a range of degrees or options.
When you see the number 2 recurring in your conscious awareness you are being alerted to note your natural responses to the conditions you are in at that moment. Are you growing? Are you discovering more about your potential and feeling motivated to explore it? Are you able to express your true personality? Have you found who or what fits you? When the energy of two is working in your life, you will automatically respond only to what you are designed to benefit from. If you can see no growth, you may be guided to note that it is time to separate from what is holding your awareness captive so that new options can become clear to you. Begin to pray to experience rejuvenation in your life and the experience of a continuous, passive flow of abundance.
Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.
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