Monday, October 14, 2019

The Meaning Of The Number Fifteen

The meaning of the number fifteen (15) is of being remembered, appreciated and helped. It is being or noticed by Source or others, complimented, encouraged or made to feel useful or beautiful. Fifteen represents the energy that recognizes a compatible connection in someone else and it dispels loneliness and fosters appreciation and friendship. This is the magic of physical reality, the ability to connect with others and to connect thoughtfully with nature to receive assistance.

Fifteen is asking you to think thoughts of love, to learn how to love and to develop a loving mindset. To attract others to ourselves and achieve gratifying physical connections, we must be willing to love and to be the recipient of love from others. Fifteen is the switch from introverted to extroverted self-expression. To understand who we are and to gain the deeper answers to life and purpose we must connect to Source on the inner planes to be activated and to learn how to open our hearts to true divine love.  This number when it appears could be asking you to reconcile a relationship and to work on restoring the love in your heart. 

Success in the physical world depends on the power of amplifying connections which we attract to ourselves. These include relationships like friendships, marriages, social and business partnerships. To attract others to yourself, you must know who you are and be willing to be visible and to display what makes you unique. You display your best characteristics so that it is easy for those who you need most, to notice and choose you too. Fifteen is the energy of being made magical or beautified so that you are able to attract the elements to you which need to help you amplify your skills, resources and systems. 

In life, there are many people who are just like you, who have studied what you studied and who know what you know. So, the key to rising and making connections is in your ability to fight off competition, and to distinguish yourself or brand based on your gifts and talents. Fifteen is the energy also of doing all you can to be attractive so that you are the one who is preferred and chosen.

Fifteen is the energy of blessing and having support and protections delivered to you by God in the form of helpful influences. Fifteen grants you the assurance through the help you receive to remain calm and balanced.

Fifteen acknowledges that there is nothing we can accomplish on our own and that we must be open to receiving help from certain key influences if we will have a chance of becoming fruitful in our lives. 

Begin to pray that you notice where you have your flaws and shortcomings so you can work on improving your attractiveness to others. Ask for the understanding of what it will take to attract the blessings of the divine into your life.

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

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