Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Meaning Of The Number Nineteen

The meaning of the number nineteen (19) is that Spirit wants to radically change the season of your life you are in right now, and how the experience of your life feels. To do this, Spirit must unlock the hidden gifts and talents within you so that your usefulness to others around you improves. You must sense and detect the moment when you need to become more, and then to respond to those signals by adapting yourself to what has changed around you.  This is where you move from perceiving consciousness and your role within it like everyone else, to differentiating yourself into a more useful part of the system. This transition in your consciousness and the power you access is done through the love and grace of the divine being opened to you on a higher level. Pray and ask Spirit to fill you with power and wisdom, divine love so you can do things that are beyond your current capability. We all have the potential to occupy a particular niche or purpose well but not all respond to the signal to arise in the same way. When you are sensitive to the call and willing to make the changes to the physical aspects of your life, this is the energy of nineteen. 

Nineteen is the act of specializing oneself according to one's inherent blueprint or life design and becoming who you were meant to be.

Nineteen is also the energy of service, and it is the act of bestowing pleasure and satisfaction on others through the revelation and use of the full spectrum of your gifts and talents.

Nineteen asks you to acknowledge who you are at the surface but to go deeper. We must allow Source to reveal the direction we should take so we develop the right skills and can attract the right people to us in the future. We must learn our value through what Source requests of us rather than what we choose to do to further ourselves.

You are entering a new season of your life and everything seems to be changing around you. You have within you the capability to exist within every season so dig deep and see what you have within you, to help you move through this time successfully. You will need to unlock your hidden potential to do so. 

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

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