Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Meaning Of The Number Eleven

The number eleven (11) represents the process of learning the belief net and spiritual posture required in order for you to manifest the receiving of your desires. Manifestation is the creation and production of the complete spiritual form of receiving you require in order to become prosperous or fruitful. Only when the correct form of receiving is present, can Source cause that form to function according to its pattern to create prosperity. Source has already made all that you require but you must learn and master how you are designed to acquire it. The key to manifestation is in finding vibratory and mental agreement and shared interest with Source regarding your desires.

Everything and everyone has a specific life design and must receive a specific type of spiritual light, vibration, knowledge or energy in order to become abundant. You must learn the nature of your manifesting strategy and the nature of what you are designed to receive from Source so you can  position yourself accurately. A plant manifests leaves because it must receive light from the Sun while a tiger manifests fang-like teeth and a powerful body so it can catch its prey with ease.

Each one is already a master at manifesting something, but eleven helps you tune into the recognition and response to the right stimuli so you follow through with receiving and developing what is meant for you. Tuning into the right frequencies will require you to change your self-awareness, adjust certain character traits, attitudes and habits. It will require you to develop an awareness of your purpose and skills and how to allow them to emerge at the right timing. It will require you to select the right form of output so that your process is harmonious. Just like a young tree can not manifest flowers and fruit until it is fully grown after a number of years and becomes responsive to factors like day length, so it is the same with humanity. Eleven is manifestation within the right timing and rhythm.

Eleven is the process of receiving spiritual knowledge from Source. It is pure, accurate guidance, untainted by evolving consciousness or human thought. To receive this pure guidance you will have to reshape your heart, mind, ego and attitudes so that you do not resist the spiritual truths your receive. 
When the number eleven reoccurs in your conscious awareness often, ask yourself if you have the matching beliefs and interests for what you are aspiring to receive. Have you made yourself beautifully, attractive so that receiving becomes easy. It is asking you to assess what you can or have manifested or to develop new traits which will make it possible for you to receive the thing you want. Eleven is asking you to note your behaviour and also the timing when receiving what you want, becomes possible. 

Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.

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