The meaning of the number thirty-six (36) is that Source is asking you to be still and to stop struggling for a moment in order to change your life. The answers you are seeking are not obvious to you because you will have to go outside of your comfort zone to access them. Someone who does not necessarily share your religion or culture knows what you need to learn and do to change your life but your prejudices against this source of information are keeping you blind. Realize that Spirit is the author of life and the giver of wisdom and that you must follow its leading to show you the way. Are you more right than another because of what you believe? The love of God wants to reach you, but it is coming through that person you have decided to shut out of your consciousness.
Source also wants you to work on improving the flow of life force or prana in your life by doing things like exercising more, breathing effectively and activating the flow of your energy, e.g sexually or even in laughter. Stuck stagnant energy creates lethargy, pain and poor health in the body and lowers the quality of your life experiences. If you want to be happier, healthier and have the energy to create the kind of love life and abundance you dream about then you need to lighten up and open up to learning new things. Learn to recognize the love of God in others.
Copyright (c) 2019 House Of Nura. All Rights Reserved. These numerology meanings are the original work of Simmone Thorpe and may only be shared if all attribution and credit remains intact. You are allowed to share this web-page on social media as a link, for personal and non-commercial reasons only. There is to be no copying and pasting of this content into any other publication.
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